Local SEO Services > Is Local SEO & PPC Coaching Right For My Agency?
Here are 8 signs that you could benefit from our local SEO & PPC agency service…
1. Your clients are local businesses
2. Your clients are asking about local SEO
3. You’re keen to broaden your offering
4. You want to maximise client revenues
5. You want to offer more to prospective clients
6. You don’t yet need in-house expertise
7. It’s time to improve your own local visibility!
8. You only work with trusted partners
Read on for more details…
1. Your clients are local businesses
This is an important one: local search marketing isn’t right for every client. But if your clients provide their products or services to customers within a very specific geographic location, then local SEO & PPC is most definitely worth exploring.
Typically local SEO & PPC works best for service, trade, retail and hospitality businesses that are looking to generate more enquiries, visits and sales from their local area.
From micro businesses to national and even global brands, ideal candidates for local SEO include:
> Businesses where their customers travel to them;
> Businesses that travel to their customers to provide their goods and services;
> Professional services firms that provide their services on-site and/or their clients’ location.
If your clients include local service, trade, retail and hospitality businesses, then our white-label local SEO coaching service could work for your agency.
2. Your clients are asking about local SEO & PPC
It may start with a casual conversation regarding your client’s Google Business Profile, or a query as to why their local competitors are appearing above them in the search rankings on Google.
If your client is asking you as a trusted advisor about anything in relation to their visibility on Google, particularly around the locations that their customers are based, then our white label local search marketing coaching service is worth exploring.
After all, if you can’t help them, then someone else will. And we all know that holding onto your existing clients is way easier than acquiring new ones, so it makes sense to offer additional services to them before they start looking elsewhere.
3. You’re keen to broaden your agency’s service offering
You know it’s time for your company to grow when you can’t stop envisioning brand new ideas and updating your products and services to meet client needs.
If you didn’t provide full-service marketing solutions before, but you want to deliver better opportunities now your options are to learn everything from scratch or to hire specialist experts to join your team.
But with our white label local SEO service you can still provide everything your local client needs for their business without the resources and in-depth knowledge required to deliver it successfully.
4. You want to maximise revenue opportunities for your agency
The right local search marketing partner - the one with the skills, experience and professional approach that matches your needs - will be glad to assist you in fulfilling your customers’ requests without compromising your quality of service. All while helping to maximise the profitability of your client accounts.
Our white-label local SEO & PPC service is a great way for you to add value (and revenue) to existing client retainers. It's also a great way to attract new clients to your agency (more on that below)
As well as reducing our list prices to agency partners, we provide strategic client insight to ensure you shine, along with a steady stream of recommendations for related billable work, including on-site optimisation, content development and even social media marketing.
5. You want to offer more to prospective clients
Adding our white label local search engine marketing service to your suite of services is a great way to engage, or re-engage, with prospective local business clients.
We provide our local SEO & PPC agency partners with audits of prospects’ existing local search performance. These audits are branded as though produced by your agency, giving your prospect an understanding of the opportunities (and threats) to their business and confidence that your agency knows what they’re doing.
Not only does this approach help start or re-start conversations with existing clients, it also help increase conversion rates.
6. You don’t want the hassle (or expense) of hiring in-house local SEO & PPC expertise
If you’re managing a small agency and don’t want to add to your overheads, hiring employees with local search marketing skills that you don’t fully understand could be a risky undertaking.
But with us as your white label local SEO & PPC partner, you don’t have to wait to hire new staff before you begin accepting local search marketing retainers.
We can aid you with saving time and money, avoiding the need to recruit people, and offering a more affordable and effective local search marketing service to your clients.
Consider us the risk-free option!
7. You realise it’s time to improve your own local visibility!
Don’t forget about the opportunity to grow your own business using local search engine optimisation. If your agency relies on business from within a specific local area, then our white-label local SEO & PPC service can help you as well as your clients.
Remember, improving your business’ visibility on search engines via our white-label local search marketing service can help to build trust, generate leads, increase footfall, gain loyal customers, and increase profits - all without paying for ads.
8. You’re smart enough to only work with trusted partners
It’s one thing to realise the opportunity of local SEO for you and your clients, but it’s quite a different thing to make it work.
We’re here to earn your trust through transparency, expertise and - above all - results, both for you and your clients through local SEO.
We’re the trusted local SEO partner for a number of agencies across the UK.
But what’s it like working with us? To help you understand what it might be like working with us, what better way than to hear from one of our agency clients.
We ran a Q&A with one of our lovely clients (Head of Client Services at a fantastic design & marketing agency in Essex). During our session she shared details about her agency’s background, the opportunity they saw in local SEO for themselves and their clients, their motivations for outsourcing local SEO, how they searched (and found us), and what it’s like to work with us.
“We absolutely LOVE working with LocalMark. They listen, understand and genuinely take an interest in our client’s success. We wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them to other agencies that are looking for a specialist local SEO partner.”
Not quite ready to talk? Take our 5-minute Local SEO impact test
Is local SEO right for your agency or consultancy? Our Local SEO impact scorecard has been designed to help consultants and agency owners measure the potential impact that local SEO could have on their business.
Answer just a few questions to receive immediate feedback on the potential impact local SEO could have on you and your clients’ businesses.